Which Warrior From Sonic 3 Represents You Best? ππ
Via Paramount Pictures/Sega Sammy Group, Canva
Via Canva
Which of these colors represents you best?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Black
Via Canva
If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?
Running at the speed of light
Flying and being a tech genius
Super strength and climbing ability
Teleportation and superior combat skills
Via Canva
How do you prefer to spend your free time?
A. On exciting adventures
B. Working on creative projects or fixing things
C. Exercising and challenging yourself
D. Planning strategies and honing skills
Via Canva
What type of movie would you enjoy the most?
Action-packed and adrenaline-fueled
Comedy with a tech twist
Epic adventures and intense battles
Drama with a dark and mysterious hero
Via Canva
What’s your favorite food for a day of adventure?
A. Burgers
B. Sweet snacks
C. Spaghetti Bolognese
D. Lobster
Via Canva
Who would be your ideal companion on a Sonic-style adventure?
Someone always ready to run and explore
A tech expert with creative solutions
A strong and brave companion in battles
Someone with special abilities like teleportation
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