Autism Quiz: Everyone Is Kinda Autistic - What About You?
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Via Pinterest
Do you have trouble making eye contact with people?
No, never
Yes, I'm embarrassed
Only with strangers
Sometimes, maybe
Via Pinterest
Do you like noisy and crowded places?
No, they overwhelm me
Yes, I have fun
I don't care
It depends
Via Pinterest
Hard to make friends? Or is it easier to make friends online?
Both are easy
The ones in real life are difficult
Both are tough
Via Pinterest
Do you make small problems big problems?
Yes, I worry too much
No, I'm calm
Sometimes yes
I am not sure.
Via Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash
Do you prefer to stick to a routine and get upset when your routine is disrupted?
Maybe, I don't know
Via Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash
Do you find it hard to understand sarcasm or jokes that are not explicitly explained?
Rarely, I am the one who love making jokes.
Sometimes, I can struggle with understanding them.
I almost never understand.
Via Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash
Do you have difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations with others?
Rarely, I generally don't have this kind of trouble
Sometimes, I feel frustrated.
Often, I find it hard to maintain conversations.
Always, I almost never initiate conversations
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