Is Your Crush Waiting For You To Make A Move? Discover 5 Telltale Signs
Via YouTube - Social Psychology Master
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How often does your crush initiate conversations with you?
All the time! They're the one who usually starts chatting.
Sometimes, we take turns initiating conversations.
Rarely, I'm usually the one reaching out first.
It's about equal, we both initiate conversations.
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How does your crush react when you tease or playfully joke with them?
They laugh and tease me back, keeping the fun going.
They smile and play along, enjoying the banter.
They seem a bit nervous or unsure, but they respond positively.
They don't really react or seem disinterested.
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Do they remember small details about your conversations?
Yes, they often bring up things I mentioned before.
Sometimes, they remember a few details here and there.
Not really, they don't seem to remember much.
I haven't noticed.
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How do they act when you're around your mutual friends?
They engage with me and seem to focus on our interactions.
They include me in conversations and activities.
They're friendly but don't show any special attention.
They don't treat me differently than anyone else.
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Have they dropped any hints about wanting to spend more time with you?
Yes, they've suggested we hang out or do something together.
Maybe once or twice, but it wasn't very direct.
No, they haven't really hinted at it.
I haven't picked up on any hints.
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How does your crush respond when you share personal things with them?
They're genuinely interested and offer their support.
They listen attentively and share their own experiences.
They seem a bit distant or unsure how to react.
They don't seem very engaged in those conversations.
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