Will Your Best Friend BETRAY You In YoYa: Busy Life World?
Vía YouTube_YoyaBusyLifeWord
Vía YouTube_YoyaBusyLifeWord
Your best friend borrows your favorite in-game item. How do you react?
Totally fine with it
Slightly irritated
Ask them to return it
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It's your turn to choose an activity in YoYa: Busy Life World. What do you select?
Their favorite activity
Something fun for both
Whatever they want
The one you like
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Your best friend obtains a rare item and offers to trade with you. What's your response?
Accept the trade
Consider the trade carefully
Decline politely
Refuse and get upset
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You catch your friend talking behind your back in the game. How do you handle it?
Confront them gently
Brush it off
Give them the silent treatment
End the friendship in-game
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Your best friend accidentally sells your virtual pet. How do you react?
No big deal, it's just a game
A bit upset, but it's okay
Angry, but forgiving
Extremely upset, unforgiving
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Your friend is having difficulties in the game. You can help him, but you lose progress, what would you do?
Help them without hesitation
Offer to help without losing progress
Let them figure it out
Ignore their plea for help
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