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With the recent worldly health issues, watching our well-being is important. Yet, we often ignore the signals our body is sending us.
Recently, have you ever looked at your stool? Poop can be a taboo topic but it is important to be aware of its color and shape can reveal a lot about your health. Your poop is the best indicator whether your body is correctly digesting food. Here are some information that can help you towards a better health. Read stay informed!
Poop Color
The normal color of stool is brown. The color of the stool might vary slightly from time to time depending on what you eat. However, an abrupt color change in your stool for no obvious reason can be a warning sign. So let's find out what's what.
1. Red
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A Red colored stool can usually be caused by your diet. Consuming red colored products such as red colored food and drinks, beets, tomatoes and other could have caused the red stool.
However, if you have not consumed any red colored products recently, you might consider consulting your doctor. Red colored stool can also means having blood in your poop and could be an alarming sign of a disease. It may also be something serious like hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, anal fissure, or even cancer.
2. Orange
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Like the red-colored stool, an orange-colored stool could indicate consuming orange-colored products. These foods are rich in a pigment called beta-carotene that can cause orange stool. Products like sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash are among the numerous diets that comprise this pigment. Similarly, medications including antacids and the antibiotic rifampin can cause orange poop.
3. Yellow
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Like the red and orange stool, having yellow stool can also be a sign of consuming yellow-colored products. Still, a yellow stool can also be due to poor fat absorption and blocked bile ducts. If your stool is yellow and greasy-looking, it may suggest that your poop contains too much fat. In addition, your body needs enzymes that are produced by your pancreas. Lacking this enzyme might result to serious illness such as celiac disease, pancreatitis, and cystic fibrosis. Better check with your doctor soon if you have yellow-colored stool.
4. Green
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Green color poop are usually caused by the eating vegetables rich in chlorophyll, like spinach, broccoli, and parsley. Green stool can also be caused by consuming food rich in iron supplement.
However, if you have not consumed any green-colored food recently, having green stool can be due to your poop passing the digestive tract too quickly. It means that your poop did not have sufficient time to catch enough bile and bilirubin.
5. White
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A whitish, grayish, or clay-colored stool means lack of bile. It may also suggest having problems with your liver or gallbladder as these organs are where the bile is created and deposited. Having a whitish stool can mean anything from congested bile ducts and gallstones to having cirrhosis. In addition, if you see white mucus on brown stool, can be an early sign of Crohn's disease. We suggest checking in with your doctor to know what might have caused it.
6. Black
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More common causes of having black poop lies in the food you eat. Consuming black or blue foods, like blueberries or licorice, could have caused this shade. A black stool can also be caused by medicine intake, like aspirin, ibuprofen, and iron supplements.
However, black stool might also mean bleeding in your intestines. If you are having black stool, make sure to go to the nearest hospital and get checked.
Poop Shape
Like the color, it is also important to keep track of the shape of your stool. In fact, scientists from the Bristol Royal Infirmary created the Bristol Stool Scale Chart to distinguish the type of poop and help people stay healthy. The BSS Chart was designed to help doctors in monitoring the shape and type of stool and assist them in diagnosing digestive problems.
1. Detached hard lumps like goat feces or nuts
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Having detached hard lump feces could mean severe constipation, dehydration, no water retention, or absence of particular good bacteria. It could mean that your body needs to consume more fiber. To have a better stool, try consuming fiber-rich food such as whole wheat products, fruits and vegetable, seeds and nuts. You should also avoid consuming processed foods and dairy products. Do not forget to drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.
2. Sausage-shaped, large, and lumpy
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If your stool looks like a large and lumpy sausage, you might be experiencing constipation. This type of stool means you are lacking fiber in your diet. It could also be cause by consuming long-term anti-diarrhea medicine intake. Lack of physical activities could also cause this stool. The best way to solve this is by eating a nutritious diet of fruits and vegetables a day. You should also ensure that you are drinking enough water, as well. Exercising more could also help your bowel movements to becoming healthy.
You could also ask a health professional for variety of supplements to help with your condition.
3. A cracked sausage-shaped poop
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A cracked sausage-shaped poop is a normal stool. Continue having good diet on proper schedule. Also, try to continue your exercise routine. Do not forget to drink water often and stay relaxed.
4. Soft, sausage-shaped, and smooth
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A soft, sausage-shaped, and smooth is a perfect stool. This poop is a normal form for those emptying their bowels once a day. Continue having a balanced diet, and avoid stressful situations to keep your bowel movements as great as they are.
5. Soft lumps with clear edges
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Having a soft lump nugget size stool might be due to having light diarrhea. This form is typical for people with regular poops after each meal. However, this type of pool might also be a sign of IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Better check with your doctor! Try eating low-fiber foods such as bananas, potatoes, eggs, melons, and peaches.
6. Fluffy pieces with ragged edges
Via WebMD
Having a fluffy ragged poop might means a mild diarrhea. It might also suggest hyperactive colon, excess of potassium, too much fiber in your diet, sudden dehydration, and increase in blood pressure linked to stress.
Try avoiding this type of stool by drinking more water to avoid dehydration. You should also eat enough fiber to help your bowel movements. Also, avoid spicy hot foods and eat slowly. You could also try getting an over the counter medication such as Imodium or Pepto-Bismol for relief. If the problem persists for more than 2 days, consult a doctor immediately.
7. Liquid without solid pieces
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A liquid without solid stool means heavy diarrhea. This could be an indication of lactose intolerance, food poisoning, bacterial septicity, or medicine intake. Start by drinking plenty of water to fight dehydration. Try over-the-counter medications, such as Imodium or Pepto-Bismo. If the symptoms continue for 2 days, consult a doctor immediately.