Ever Wonder What Disney's Pixie Hollow Fairy You Are? Find Out Here!

By  anonymous
Feb. 17, 2025



If “I believe in fairies” is your philosophy for life, you’ve come to the right place!


The land of Pixie Hollow is overflowing with magic, friendship and fairies that each have their own special mark on nature and the world around us due to their specialized powers.


Ever wonder which fairy your heart is after? Find it below!


Tinker Bell


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Do you love working with gadgets, trinkets and wonders galore? Do you enjoy making friendship bracelets or woodcarving or arts and crafts because you’re good at putting things together? If yes, you are the sweet and sassy Tinker Bell. You can be a bit clumsy because your mind is so full of new and whimsical ideas, but you are crafty, clever and loyal. You don’t quit working on something until it’s done!




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Are you ever told that you’re way ahead of the others? Are you always pushing the limit, and testing what you know? Are you confident, feisty, sarcastic, and first to solve a problem? Your inner fairy is Vidia! She is the fastest fairy in Pixie Hollow, blowing down leaves in the fall and creates breezes in the summer— she makes forces of nature come to life. Just like Vidia, you are smart, quick on your feet. She even warned Tinker Bell to not enter a human-made fairy house because she knew it could be dangerous— she’s just that aware of the world around her!




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Iridessa is a Light fairy, meaning she helps lightening bugs find their light, moves sunshine onto the flowers so they’d bloom, and she even helps make rainbows! If you are optimistic, kind-hearted and warm to all those you meet, you’re just like Iridessa. You both are cheerful and sweet to your friends, even allowing them to see the light they have inside themselves. You both love to focus on the good and to follow rules so nobody gets hurt!




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Silvermist is a Water fairy, which allows her to go with the flow and take life all in stride. She can move any dewdrop, raindrop or source of water, and ultimately help plants and animals that need it. She is charming, open, sweet and extremely sympathetic. She sees the truth in everyone’s heart and is always there to offer help and support. Does that sound like you? Then, you and Silvermist are one and the same! You both love making friends, and being someone to rely on!



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Are you a lover of animals? Do you ever get called, “The Dog Whisperer” or “Cat Whisperer”? Do you hope to be a Vet someday or to own more dogs than anyone else on the block? Do you believe in the goodness and rights of all animals, no matter how big or small? If yes, your inner fairy is Fawn! She is spunky, adventurous and playful, and she is an Animal Talent Fairy. She found the Neverbeast of Pixie Hollow and was the first to support him and see that he wasn’t a beast after all!




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Do you ever get called the “girly girl” of the group? Do you enjoy picking out your outfit, looking pretty and getting complimented on your style? Do flowers and beautiful landscapes inspire you? If yes, you and Rosetta share the same heart! Rosetta is a garden fairy, but as Vidia pointed out to her once, she clearly has an irony of hating bugs, dirt and mud. She doesn’t like getting dirty! You and Rosetta are both very lovable, bubbly personalities and you both love seeing things sprout to life, whether it be a flower, or the sun coming up in the morning!




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If you delight in winter snow, love ice cream, snow cones, ice skates— anything “wintery— your inner fairy is none other than Periwinkle! She is Tinker Bell’s sister and is a Frost Fairy who loves to go on adventures and make winter the best season it can possibly be with glittering frost and snowflakes. You and Periwinkle love adventure but love your family even more. You would do anything to support them, like figuring out how to save the Pixie Hollow tree or mending your sister’s wings! Periwinkle and you are extremely curious, loving personalities who have a heart of gold!