Five Things To Remember When You Get A Rejection Letter After A Date

By  anonymous
Feb. 11, 2025

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I know what is seeping through your thoughts: Another imaginative article? Another tongue lashed article crafted to snap you out of the realities of rejection? And I totally understand you. I bet you have heard a lot of soothing stories about rejection letters. You’ve probably read millions of dating articles, listened to dating videos and feasted on every blog, books and movies out there. Feasting on this after you have been rejected by someone you wanted can be quite tough.  

Will you be depressed for a long time? Of course.  Pained? Why not?  Blood runs through your veins. Let me say this straight. It is very difficult to figure out a creature on earth that doesn’t feel a modicum of pain when they are rejected by someone they loved.  We know what it means to especially remain in that world alone. For a very long time, some intriguing questions will probably encircle your thoughts. Am I that unattractive? Did I do anything to him or her? Am I that shabby? How come? Just how come? But then, you have to let your pains give you a positive ride. Even though it is an unpleasant cream to rub, you should allow the feelings of rejection inspire you to rub a pleasant cream in the next episode of your life. 

If you are the kind that wouldn’t get over rejections that easily, it is fine. There is no crime in that. Take a deeper breath. Inner peace begins the moment you scan through the soothing words below.

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It is not the true reflection of your value

It is an easy thing to clench and unclench rejections around your frustrated wrists. Somehow, it can be a crazy thing to remind yourself of these rejection moments and nurse the feeling that you do not have any values. Think about this. What if your date has personal issues looming over him? What if your date has some kind of friends that controls his thinking? So, those set of what-ifs might just tell you that your date didn’t even look out for your values in the first place. You know what that means? You still have your heavy chunks of values hanging around you.

You can’t suit everyone’s taste

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The harsh truth is that everyone has their respective preferences when it comes to choosing the one they love. Consider that your date may be the kind of person that likes someone who can talk a lot but you can’t just reconcile with that. You can be endowed with other beautiful qualities   but he/she might not be interested and that’s fine. It doesn’t mean that you won’t be attractive to someone else.

It might that your date is not in the mood

You really can’t take all these rejection stuffs too far. Your date might just be stacked up with some personal issues you never know about. Some people don’t have a better way of venting their rage when they are cornered by circumstances that are beyond them. They would rather vent their anger on people who has nothing to do with it. Your date might fall in the category of such person.

Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection

 If you feel frustrated when you are being rejected,  you should hold close the core of this experience:  you're trying. You're going after what you want, You're doing the tough work of trying to connect with someone, and that should be celebrated.

You will be better off in the long run

If this person is enough to be honest and direct with you about what they're thinking,  maybe it isn't a good result, you're certainly allowed to be sad about it,  but you have a straightforward answer. And you will be better off in the long run.

So, it is time to get this straight and eliminate the needless thoughts that you faced a lot of rejections because you aren’t worth anything. It is high time you snapped out of this.