For money, people will do strange things. There are lots of people who work doing odd occupations like cuddling with someone or smelling paper towels. These occupations are not just really strange, but the workers also make a ton of money! Here are 10 odd jobs that people are paid well to accomplish.
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Even though this work can seem strange to you, many individuals will pay for it. Average professional snugglers are compensated well, which is probably good given the potential unpleasantness of the position. These paid snugglers typically charge $60 to $80 per hour for their services. Japan.
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People are paid to sample dog food, even though when you think of taste testing you typically think of tasting human food. Dog food manufacturers pay people to test their products and evaluate them for factors including flavor, nutrition, and even packaging. Fortunately, the majority of dog food tasters spit the food out before eating it. In spite of everything unusual, they do get paid a lot! The typical compensation for a food tester is $40,000.
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This one is definitely cool and fun rather than weird and bizarre. A waterslide tester visits several water parks to evaluate the slides' functionality and fun factor. The tester also informs the waterslide manufacturer of any potential safety issues. Traveling to many different countries and places can occasionally be exhausting, even while it is enjoyable to ride the slides and earn money. They make an average of about $30,000. Do you believe you would make a good waterslide tester?
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You undoubtedly believe that this is a fake job, yet it is in fact real. People who use facial washing products are tested by face feelers. A face feeler uses their sensory abilities to evaluate the product used after someone has used it. Experts at feeling faces are known as face feelers or sensory scientists. Face feelers make about $25 per hour working a few hours each day.
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If you've seen golf, you're aware that the ball can occasionally end up in the water. The duty of a golf ball diver is to search for golf balls that have fallen into the water. Although it may appear simple, dragging a full bag of golf balls out of the water may be really risky and requires a lot of strength. Golf ball divers plunge into waters that occasionally include alligators and other perils in order to gather golf balls. Depending on whether they are independent contractors or are performing a paid service for a golf course, they either sell the balls or return them to the course. Being that this job is really challenging, golf ball divers get paid $50k-$100k annually.
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Don't you detest going somewhere and finding a huge crowd and extremely long lines? The toughest part is having to stand in those lines. For your benefit, you can pay someone to wait in line. There are numerous businesses that will wait in queues for you. Although this job seems dull, you are essentially doing nothing and getting paid a lot of money! Some individuals have even made $1500 while standing in line for an iPhone customer. Line sitters typically receive $20, which is a respectable wage considering that you are either standing or sitting there.
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Most people enjoy shopping and obtaining new clothes, but sometimes it can be difficult to decide what to buy. Personal shoppers offer suggestions for what you should purchase. Although it could appear to be a simple task, there are situations when it is not. As a personal shopper, you need to get to know your customers and their shopping preferences. Personal shoppers who work for hire typically earn $65 per hour.
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I'll agree that this job is weird, but you'll be lucky if you land it. Since there aren't many opportunities for this position, getting it is really difficult. Paper towel sniffers are paid to check paper towels for strange or off-putting odours before they are sold. It is rumoured that getting a job acting in Hollywood is easier than getting a job sniffing paper towels. Typically, the weekly wage for this weird employment that smells paper towels is roughly $1,000. How Awesome!
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Anyone who enjoys ice cream will probably find this employment to be fairly cool. Even though anyone can taste an ice cream flavour and tell you if it's excellent or not, a food scientist is the only person qualified to perform this task. The ice cream will be evaluated by the food scientist on the basis of its flavour, colour, aroma, texture, and appearance. They occasionally even create brand-new ice cream flavours. These scientists make $100,000 a year, which isn't too terrible considering they consume ice cream!
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The dullest job available right now is certainly this one. These people get compensated for spending hours doing nothing. Although it may seem strange to say, live models can be more useful than plastic ones. This position is definitely not for just anyone. Someone who can spend hours sitting still is needed for this work. This job is challenging, but it pays well. Live mannequins typically make a respectable $100 per hour.
Let us know if you found these weird jobs interesting in the comments.