Top 15 Foods That Will Make You Gain Weight Like Crazy!

Mar. 24, 2025


Your diet is one of several variables that affect how you control your weight. Processed foods that are heavy in calories, fat, added sugar, and salt are among the items that are more likely than others to cause weight gain.


However, these items can still be a part of a balanced diet. Just remember to keep an eye on your portion sizes and indulge sparingly, particularly if you're attempting to lose weight.


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Adding weight gradually is the most enduring strategy. Rapid weight growth techniques could be challenging to keep up.


Here is a list of 15 foods that, if consumed in large quantities, might be a factor for weight gain.


1.  Red Meats


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One of the best natural sources of dietary creatine, which may be the best supplement in the world for developing muscle, is red meat typically found in cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, deer and horses.


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Both lean and fatty meats are excellent sources of protein, however fatty meat has a higher calorie content and may make you put on weight. Brisket is one of the most popular fatty beef recipes.


2.   Milk


Cow's milk, which includes carbohydrates, fat, protein, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals, is one of the most popular variations. Milk provides a balanced approach to weight gain because it is a rich source of calories, protein, and other nutrients.


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In particular, the casein and whey proteins in cow's milk may support lean muscle mass as opposed to fat mass. People who are underweight and wish to gain weight, as well as sportsmen and bodybuilders who may require or desire to add muscle, may find it particularly helpful.


3.   Whole Grain Breads


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Another excellent source of carbohydrates to help you gain weight is whole grain bread. By mixing bread with protein sources like eggs, meat, and cheese, you can create some extremely basic, calorie-dense, and nutritionally sound dishes.


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Choose natural whole grain and seeded breads when buying bread. Alternatives that promote healthy weight growth include Ezekiel bread. The most nutrient-dense bread is Ezekiel bread. A mix of nutritious grains and sprouted beans are used to make this particular sort of bread (sprouting). Ezekiel bread is significantly higher in fibre and minerals when compared to white bread, which is created from processed wheat flour.


4.   Cheese


Another dairy food with a lot of calories is cheese. Calcium and protein are also present. The type of cheese and how it is made will determine the exact nutritional value.


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For instance, since aged cheeses typically have fewer carbs, higher percentage their calories come from fat. People should read the label to make sure they are not consuming too much salt daily since cheese can be a high sodium product.


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5.    Full Fat Yogurt


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      Greek yogurt with added fat is yet another nutritious and practical snack. It has a fantastic nutritional profile with a balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Before you add all of your delectable combos and toppings, a 6-ounce serving of plain, whole milk yoghurt has 165 calories and 15 grammes of protein. 


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Greek yoghurt made with whole milk contains significantly more calories, lesser sugar, and nearly twice as much protein as conventional yoghurt. Greek yoghurt is thicker and has been strained. Because of this, it works well as a independant snack. 


6.   Rice


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Rice can be either a whole grain or a refined grain. Whole grains are composed of the whole grain. Although rice is refined and loses important nutrients when it is ground, it occasionally has a better flavour or a longer shelf life. Whole grains that still have the bran and germ are brown and wild rice. They are hence nourishing and abundant in fibre and nutrients.


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Contrarily, white rice has both the bran and the nutrient-rich germ removed, which ultimately deprives the grain of its healthiest components. Its taste will be improved, its shelf life will be extended, and its cooking capabilities will be improved. The nutritional profiles of diverse rice varieties can have a variety of consequences on health.


7.   Sugar


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A diet high in added sugars—such as those in candy, baked goods, sweetened beverages, and sugary cereals—is a major factor in gaining weight and chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity and countless more diseases.


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The complicated and multifaceted processes by which consuming additional sugar contributes to weight gain and an increase in body fat is definitely one that should not be used to gain any sort of fat or muscle as it can be absolutely detrimental for a persons body in the long run. 


8.   Salmon and Oily Fish


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Salmon and fatty fish are wonderful providers of protein and essential healthy fats, just like red meat. Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.


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Omega-3 fatty acids are among the most important and well-known nutrients found in salmon and oily seafood. They help fight diseases and provide a host of health benefits.


9.    Nuts and Nut Butters


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If you want to put on weight, nuts and nut butters are excellent options. Just two handfuls of nuts each day with a meal or as a snack can quickly accumulate hundreds of calories due to their high calorie content.


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Smoothies, yoghurt, and crackers are just a few examples of foods that may be quickly transformed into high-calorie snacks. 


10.    Homemade Protein Smoothies


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Making your own protein smoothies at home might be a quick and highly nourishing approach to gain weight considering you’ll know what the smoothie actually contains and whether or not it is healthy.


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The ideal method is to make your own smoothies because store-bought ones are sometimes devoid of nutrition and loaded with sugar. Additionally, you have complete control over the flavour and nutritional value. 


11.  Potatoes and Starchy Foods


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A relatively simple and affordable approach to increase calories is by eating potatoes and other starchy foods. Potatoes and other starches enhance your muscle glycogen stores in addition to adding calories and carbs to help you gain weight. 


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The primary energy source for the majority of sports and activities is glycogen. Several of these carbohydrate sources also contain fibre, vital minerals, and resistant starch, which can support the health of your gut bacteria.


12.   Protein powder and Other Supplements


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Many items that are protein-enriched can be added to a person's diet as a way to receive more protein. Examples include drinks and protein bars and protein powders like whey. These goods could also aid in increasing caloric intake or supplying additional protein during pregnancy.


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People who wish to keep track of their protein and calorie intake should look at the nutritional labels on the items they can buy to determine which one is best for them. And is not just an edible flavoured power with no actual benefits.


13.  Avocados


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      Unsaturated fat can be found naturally in avocados and avocado oil. The vitamins and minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium are abundant in whole avocados.


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By adding some avocados, one can dramatically up the calorie count of sandwiches, salads, and smoothies. On top of all that avocado added on anything just makes any dish taste a whole lot better!


14.   Dry Fruits And Berries



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Fructose, a sugar found in fruit, is present in dried fruits and berries. They can be used to sweeten food naturally and to boost the caloric content of meals. For instance, one can incorporate dried fruit or berries into a smoothie, add dried apricots or berries to yogurt, or use dates to sweeten cereals or oatmeal.


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Some dried fruits are also delicious in salads and some prepared dishes, such tagines.


15.  Legumes


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There are numerous health advantages of beans and legumes. Consuming more of them could help improve good gut bacteria, lower blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol.


Legumes are absolutely jam packed with fibre and can totally be the best part of anyone's diet. Different lentils and beans have multiple different nutrients that help in building a healthy body.


The garbanzo bean which are also known as chickpeas are possibly regarded as the healthiest type of beans on the shelves of your neighbourhood grocery shop. Studies have shown that garbanzo beans are an excellent choice for lowering your risk of heart disease since they are particularly high in fibre, iron, and protein.


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Many of the aforementioned items are heavy in calories, fat, and added sugar. As a result, they may cause weight gain over time, particularly if you consume them frequently without changing your diet in any other way. The increased calories from foods and high-calorie snacks should be used to create muscle rather than just fat, thus lifting weights is crucial as well.


Even if you're attempting to lose weight, bear in mind that you don't have to completely cut them out of your diet. Instead, strive to consume these items in moderation as part of a balanced diet and restrict your portion sizes.