How To Make Ice Cream By Yourself In 5 Minutes

By  anonymous
Dec. 12, 2024

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Summer wouldn’t be complete without Ice Cream which everyone can get in the store. But have you ever tried a home-made one? Here is the method. Without any kitchen gadgets, you can make ice cream at home.


Step 1: finish two bowls of mixture

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First, pour a pot of double cream into a bowl and whip it until thick. Then, pour a tin of condensed milk into another bowl. Add one teaspoon of vanilla essence and a pinch of salt into the milk. Using a whisk, mix them together into smooth mixture.


Step 2: add your favorites

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After finishing the two mixtures, slowly pour the milk into the cream and go on whipping until they are completely mixed. Next, it’s time for your taste and likes. You can add anything you like into the mixture, such as your favorite chocolate chips or candy.


Step 3: put into the freezer

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The last step, also the easiest part, is to spoon the mixture into a freezable container. Put it into the freezer and wait for 6 to 8 hours. The specific time depends on your need - how cold and hard you want it to be.


Now, I believe you must have grasped the method of making ice cream and are eager to have a try. You don’t have to buy any special kitchen gadgets. Preparing all the needed ingredients, you can impress your family and friends with your cooking skills.