Netflix's The Witcher Season 1 Ending Explained

By  anonymous
Jan. 15, 2025


At the end of The Witcher season 1, there’s a cruel battle and Geralt suffers a serious wound. But there remain many confusing parts, what happened to Yennefer? Where's Jaskier? Did Geralt find Ciri? We've learned all eight episodes of Netflix's The Witcher, so we can take them apart and analyze the plots happening there - attempting to explain some puzzling parts.

 Geralt and Ciri


Who’s Geralt’s destiny? Actually, Ciri. Though Geralt was told over and over again during the series that he would have to face his destiny, he struggled and denied. However, it figured out in Episode 4 that she came eventually - Ciri, a princess of the kingdom formerly known as Cintra.

However, Geralt experienced a closed cycle to reach the same consequence. By the time he arrived in Cintra, he attempted to take the girl out of the coming dander of the Nilfgaardian invasion, but her grandmother Queen Calanthe had refused to let her go. Geralt was thrown in a dungeon and stayed there until the battle began. During that period he succeeded escaping from that damp and dark place -- However, he has missed to save the princess.


Frustrated and depressed, Geralt went on his way. Unexpectedly, he was going through a fateful journey, where he would finally meet the person he’d always been seeking for.


Actually, Ciri's storyline, though having been shown across the whole season, only happened just in a process of half a month. (told by showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich). Having escaped from Cintra, Ciri began her vagrant life as a refugee and met with the Dryads in the forest known as Brokilon.  Lured away by a doppler in Nilfgaardian employ that posed as her former mentor Mousesack, Ciri narrowly escaped. Finally, she was lucky to be taken good care of by a kind woman. What a coincidence! That woman’s husband was the one having rescued Geralt, who was on the journey seeking Ciri. When Geralt fell ill after a monster’s attack, the man carted Geralt back to his farm. There, Geralt and Ciri were finally united.


This scene has been slightly changed in the show. In the book, the original relationship between the two was that they already knew each other, having spent time together when Ciri was young. Though there is a little difference, the result was the same: Ciri is safe, and Geralt has accepted his destiny.


Yennefer and Jaskier


However, Yennefer and Jaskier are two other characters in The Witcher, who were not embraced by Geralt definitely.

For Yennefer’ part, she parted with Geralt on bad terms and decided to choose another way after an unpleasant shouting match at the end of Episode 6. She met up with Istredd, and rejected his propose. Then she was approached instead by Vilgefortz, a mysterious mage. Lured away to the magic school at Aretuza, she took part in a secret meeting held by sorcerers and sorceresses. They were discussing the plan about how to invade Nilfgaard.


Accompanied with Tissaia, Vilgefortz, and other mages, Yennefer made fierce resistance against the invaders on Sodden Hill in defence of Nifgaard. The last scene of Yennefer, she released heavy artillery fire onto the battlefield. After the battle, she disappeared. Both Tissaia and Geralt could not spot find any track of her afterward. (or maybe, the searching scenes of calling her name through the smoke on the battlefield were her imagination-- maybe it's not actually true).


For Jaskier's part, their relationship seemed to be torn out, also in Episode 6. After fighting with Yennefer, the emotionless witcher, Geralt  totally gave vent to Jaskier as Jaskier attempted to please him. Geralt also blamed all the events on Jaskier, including the show--his “child surprise”, the djinn that nearly killed Yennefer, and the present situation. Even the witcher begged the bard would vanish from the universe once and for all. Jaskier takes the words in stride without debate. However, he was entirely hurt by his best friend’s unexpected temper - that's the last scene we see him in this season.


What's next?


The Witcher Season 2 is approaching. With the three distinctive timelines shown in the Season 1, we're cautiously optimistic to see what will happen next.

And there's many plots in the end confusing fans: Geralt and Ciri are united at last, will they be safe? Because if the show continues following the book, Ciri is far from safe, and many adventures were left. This needs Season 2 to give further explanation.


It’s certain that Yennefer and Geralt will have to make nice at some point. Jaskier and Geralt will still restore good relation. But it takes time and chance.

Don't ignore those side characters consisting of the show: Cahir and Fringilla may have lost the Battle of Sodden Hill, but a battle can not destroy Nifgaard. And Triss’s appearance is a mystery -- whether she would survive the battle is unknown.

What happens next in The Witcher Season 2 - We’re waiting to see.