Top 5 Moments From Disney's Up That Still Make Us Cry

By  anonymous
Jan. 08, 2025

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There’s no denying it.


Pixar’s Up is a tearjerker of a film that plays with your heartstrings right from the get-go and all the way up to the end.


You’re not alone if you shed a tear or two for the following top five moments from the wonderful, emotional film that still makes us cry, today!


Montage of Carl and Ellie’s Love Story


1Via Oh My Disney


Pixar takes us through Carl and Ellie’s life together, starting out when they were just kids and Carl was the shy boy mesmerized by Ellie’s eccentric and exciting personality. Both shared a love for wilderness and Ellie gave Carl the Ellie Badge, meaning he was OK in her book! The two grew up and got married and did everything together. The montage is made specifically for tears as we watch them deal with hardship like not having kids, growing old and getting sick. When Ellie dies, we the audience just about lose it, remembering her face in the windowpane when they washed it, or how they put the imprint of their hands on the mailbox.


Carl Picks Between Kevin and the House


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Because of Carl and Ellie’s strong love, the house is all that is left that truly reminds Carl of Ellie. When Muntz set Carl’s house on fire in order to distract Carl from saving Kevin, Carl had a decision to make. Save the house or hold on to Kevin who would be mistreated in the hands of Muntz. Watching Carl’s face full of anguish at seeing the possibility of losing his one symbol of Ellie that’s left is heart-breaking. He leaps for the house and you hear Kevin scream because he’s been captured. Talk about an emotional roller coaster!


The Scrapbook Scene


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The whole point of Carl lifting off into the air with all his balloons was accomplishing Ellie’s dream of making it to Paradise Falls. She had a special page in her scrapbook set aside just for the day she’d accomplish her adventures, but Carl has felt guilty ever since she died that she never got to go on those adventures. He then looks through the scrapbook only to see that she has filled her discovery book with photos of their marriage, ending it with a final note telling Carl he was her adventure, and now he should have “a new one”! Tissue, anyone??


Getting Ready to Fly Again


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Thanks to Ellie’s note, Carl knows he needs to get Kevin back. The only way to do so, now that half the balloons are deflated, is to take furniture out of the house so he could fly again. It’s a quick moment, but as he takes the furniture out of the house, we see he put the chairs he sat in with Ellie right next to each other. This sweet gesture goes miles and right into your heart!


The Ellie Badge


5Via Spotern


Remember the “Ellie Badge”? It’s back at the end, and in the best way possible. Russell is a passionate kid, but no one would come to his badge ceremonies. Carl, who now becomes a father figure in some way, shows up for Russell’s ceremony, showing his heart has now set on this adventure, and now has a kid in his life that Ellie and he never had. As they eat ice cream together, the ending shows that the house traveled and landed beside Paradise Falls, the way Ellie always wanted. Put together, it becomes a moment of both closure and love— so touching!