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For moms whose children are just entering early adolescence, their talking topics with kids might have changed from Toy Story to periods. To be sure, raising a teen is a totally different task. And your kid is starting her exploration of sexuality. Although you are not ready for that, you can offer some help and support to her since she is going through a new stage of her life. So you might wonder: what age should my daughter start taking birth control?
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According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), it is between the ages of 12 and 15, ideally before they start having sex when your kids should have their first visit to talk about their sexual and reproductive health. This is a good chance for them to ask all of their instant questions about sex. Besides, your kids can have a talk with the doctors about birth control as they have been or are sexually active at that time. But the talk doesn’t have to be about birth control for teens. As the gynecologists says, the first visit can also help diagnose any problems that adolescents have with their menstrual cycles or reproductive systems.
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Concerning the time of beginning birth control, it's up to yourself. Depending on your health and reproductive goals, you yourself decide whether to begin using hormonal birth control. Generally, one can begin birth control so long as she starts her menstrual cycle. As for hormonal birth control, actually there are other benefits for teens. Starting birth control can help you regulate your menstrual cycles, relieve the pain from menstrual cycles, and of course avoid pregnancy.
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In fact, there is still a large number of teens who don’t know the safest and most effective birth control. There are various types of birth control, such as pills, hormonal implant and intrauterine device. You just choose the best one for yourself according to your needs and health history. Plus, as the gynecologists stress, it is necessary to use condoms, whatever birth control you have taken. Because only condoms can prevent against not only pregnancy but also sexually transmitted infections.