What Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal About Your Personality?

By  anonymous
Jan. 24, 2025

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Believe it or not your sleep position can say a lot about your personality. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so it’s no wonder that our sleep can affect us when we are awake. The way we spend most of our nights is something that reveals a lot about our inner character, and what comforts us. This is an unconscious decision and actually says a lot about a person. Read on to see what your sleeping position says about you


Which number are you?

1. The Soldier

If you sleep lying on your back with your arms at your sides, like a soldier at attention, then you are likely to be a well-adjusted person. You know what your goals are in life and are single-minded in your methods to achieve them. You can, at times be strict, pedantic and demanding, but you are often hardest on yourself.


2. The Egyptian

A born leader is one who sleeps lying on their stomach with their arms and legs sticking out. If this is you, you are likely to be impulsive and always take initiative. You make sure there is order in both your personal and professional life. You do not like surprises, so you prefer to plan everything in advance to ensure it all goes your way. Your ability to persevere and sense of responsibility are what allows you to achieve great success in your life.


3. The Skydiver

The Skydiver is one who cannot fall asleep without sticking their knees out whilst lying on their side. The Skydiver is often a calm and reliable person, not easily offended, and is not scared of the future. If this is you, you likely smile even on the most dreary winters morning, and will always adjust to new situations without problems in all aspects of your life.


4. The Heron

Unpredictable are those who sleep like a heron with one leg raised. You are often drawn to all kinds of adventures, and your mood can change so fast it can cause whiplash for those around you (even you struggle to keep up sometimes!). Often, you find it difficult to be decisive and make a choice. You always prefer peace and quiet as well as thoroughness and stability throughout both your personal and professional life.


5. The Starfish

If you sleep lying on your back like a starfish, then you are most likely a positive person with a very strong personality and a love for life. You are no stranger to being at the centre of attention, and you always love good company. In your professional life you work stubbornly and persistently, but in a rational way, and always prefer to tell the truth.


6. Foetal Position

If you are one of the many who sleep primarily in the foetal position, you are likely a creative soul. The perfect outlet for your talents could be through painting, dance, music or writing. By sleeping on your side and curling up this way, you often feel the need to be protected, understood and sympathised with. In doing so, you also attempt to cut yourself off from the world and from your problems.


So what if you sleep in more than one pose? This is a sign that you have a multifaceted personality, and a depth of character that not even you fully understand yet.